Friday, August 22, 2008

Snake Oil and Used Cars

I know I have mentioned previously that I was formerly a pentecostal. Because of this I know something about religious hucksterism. I have seen the religious fads come and go and have heard the sales pitch of some of the best religious pitchmen. I can smell snake oil a mile away. I know that smooth sounding engine will begin to smoke and stall just a short time after it leaves the lot. No matter how enthusiastic the pitchman might be, or how much he raves about his product, it is still snake oil medicine or a lemon of a car.

"Walking Together – The LCMS Future, Proposals and Possibilities for Consideration and Discussion, Presented by Blue Ribbon Task Force on Synod Structure and Governance" is just the latest in a long list of ideas whose time should never come. There is already a lot of discussion about the particulars of these proposals on the web. Many are already commenting on the manner in which it would concentrate even more power SPK's hands. The high sounding language hides the nasty little secret--or maybe not such a secret--that this is a power grab. With such power comes potential coercion and with coercion comes bondage.

Walking together? Hardly. Walking away from the Synod's original raison d'ĂȘtre. Walking away from the Synod as a servant of the churches. Walking away from sound doctrine and practice. Do we really trust the firm that brought us such wonderfully thought out products as Yankee Stadium or Ablaze? Will Synod Inc. truly help us walk in the truth of God's Word and the Lutheran Confessions?

Walking together means we value the same things. Should we value SPK's leadership thus far? Mmmm? Should we wish to give him even more power and less accountability? Mmmm?

Well, if that is how things are then maybe we had better walk away. Snake oil won't cure us. That lemon won't get us there. God's Word and the Confessions show us how to walk together. The founders of this Synod truly valued them and relied on them. With those who value the Word and Confessions we can walk.

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