Thanksgiving is fast upon us. About seventy-two hours from now the smell of turkey, dressing, dinner rolls, and pumpkin pie will begin to fill homes all over America. Thanksgiving is a peculiarly American holiday. It is not technically part of the traditional church calendar, but most churches have a service of thanksgiving of some sort. It is one of the many ways that the church has accommodated itself to the culture of our nation. And rightly so in this instance. There is nothing wrong with giving God thanks for his many gifts to us.
Not all accommodations are so harmless. Some have serious consequences. For instance, a trendy pastor recently gave out a seven day sex challenge. He wants his married parishoners to have sex for seven days. This trivialization of the church's raison d'être is characteristic of a certain kind of pastor and church in America. In an frenzied effort to become relevant he elevates sex to something akin to a sacrament in which God works in a special way. His sermon was laced with sexual innuendo, not so clever word play, and just plain silly assertions. In our over-sexed society in which sexual sins are so prevalent could this pastor be throwing obstacles in the path of recovering sex addicts. How about single members of his church? They are left out all together. Teens struggling with temptation are not helped to overcome their lust. On top of all the sex talk, very little Scripture was used by this pastor. (My understanding is that this is typical of his church.) Christ and forgiveness, life, and salvation were not the message given to the people.
I wrote in another place the following:
"This Dallas pastor is trivializing the purpose of the church. Can you imagine the Israelites doing this before the altar of a temple? Oh—that's right, they did. When Ba'al worship was mixed with Yahwism they did have sex as part of their worship. You connect the dots!
God gives us many good gifts (1st article gifts) but not all of them have a place in the divine service apart from our regular giving of thanks for them. Will we need to have a seven day food challenge next? How about a seven day wine challenge? Or a seven day shopping spree? These kind of emphases puts the gifts, not the Giver front and center. Is this part of worshiping and serving the creation and not the Creator?"
This kind of neglect of the Scripture, treating the Gospel of Christ and his saving work as if it were a boring old cliché, stealing the focus from God and his gracious work for us to place the spotlight on ourselves is characteristic of much of the evangelical "church" today. The worship service has become a sex workshop, a self-help pop-psychology group, a seminar on financial freedom. The Divine Service in such churches is no longer divine. God could be left out altogether and the message would not change that much. Substitute any other motivational idea for God and you would probably find the same seven steps to success.
We have become so comfortable with our culture's ideas, methods, goals, and standards that we are no longer salt and light. In an effort to make the world welcome among us we have become like the world. This hasn't happened overnight. It has been going on for a very long time indeed. We are like the proverbial frog in a pot of water. The temperature has been slowly raised to the boiling point. What you get when the church accommodates itself to the world is frog soup!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
The Truth About Barak Obama (Part Two of Two, continued)
The following article was written by a Baptist pastor in New Jersey. As an African–American he says some very sobering things about abortion and moral issues in the Black Community that all citizens and all Christians in the USA should take to heart. I am providing the text of this article in full (in two installments) because of its importance at this time.
"The Complete Story on Barak Obama"
by Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr.
African Americans make up 12% of the population, but account for over 50% of all new cases of HIV. African American women account for a staggering 68% of all newly diagnosed HIV positive women in the United States. These women primarily contracted HIV from heterosexual sex. Now, with that said, 60% of all new aids cases in America will be the result of the violation of Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:27 (men having sex with men).
Martin Luther King, Jr., who never marched one step for “Gay Rights,” said, “The contemporary church is often a weak ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. It is often the arch-supporter of the status quo. Far from being disturbed by the presence of the church, the power of the average community is consoled by the churches silent and often vocal sanctions of things as they are.”
No greater tune of uncertainty was ever played so loudly and with more confusion then the opening number sung by Rick Warren at The Saddlebrack Church. Yes, entering stage right is the Author of one of the best selling Christian books of our time. “The Purpose Driven Life”
Pastor Warren, which I want to believe with good intentions, invited Senator Obama to speak at the “Global Summit On Aids And The Church”
Despite every sociological indicator and warnings from the medical profession, Senator Obama still endorses and is an advocate for same-sex marriage. Same- sex marriage gives sanctity to a union that promotes the practice that accounts for 60% of Aids cases which is ravaging the African-American community. What message has Rick Warren sent to the millions that have read his book on “purpose”? Why did he accept this role in this Howard Dean production? Obama’s antithetical stand on the issues that are decimating the Afro-American community and the nation at large should have disqualified him from presenting at this event. It would be like Planned Parent Hood inviting me to speak at their next rally.
Can you imagine how fearful they would be at what I might say? It is amazing to me that it didn’t make Rick Warren and his staff concerned about what Senator Obama might utter across the sacred desk. This is a subliminal endorsement of a man who presently advocates the slaughter of innocent babies and the destructive gay agenda. Does this not diminish the Churches responsibility to remain true to the teaching of the word of God? Hasn’t this weaken the position of those actively working to stop the killing of infants?
In a statement made to the Philadelphia Inquirer Pastor Warren said, “One of my goals is to take evangelicals back a century, the 19th century said Warren. That was a time of muscular Christianity that cared about every aspect of life. Not just personal salvation but social action, abolishing slavery, ending child labor and winning the right for women to vote. It’s time for modern evangelicals to trade words for deeds and get similarly involved. “
A few things jump up at me here when I read this article, things like every aspect of life! Trade words for deeds sounds so moving! His reference to slavery and child labor laws should touch the heart of every Christian. Why? A nation is judged by how it treats it’s weakest and most venerable.
Now as I see it we definitely need to prioritize things just a little. At the end of this year 20,000 people will die of aids and more than half of them will be Black. Ok that’s about 10,000 Afro-Americans. 1.2 million will die from abortion. 36% of them will be African American. That’s nearly 500,000 Afro-Americans. After doing the math it is quite apparent we need to address this devastating scourge that is affecting every aspect of life. We need a significant deed! Pastor Warren I know just what we need. “A Global Summit on Abortion and The Church” With 150,000 babies murdered each day in the world, yes 150,000; surely the church should convene and caucus. The 19th century anointing is well over due and I believe with all my heart that anointing would cause the Church to be a clear clarion voice that Martin Luther King referred to that put an end to infanticide. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever!
I in no way want to minimize the horrendous effects of slavery, child labor and denying women to vote but in comparison to the decimation of our community by abortion they are mild at best.
Christianity gave this report recently from the autobiography of Billy Graham.
In the heat of segregation and racial injustice, when racial tensions were peaking, Evangelist Billy Graham invited Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King
To discuss the racial situation with him and his colleagues. Then before a capacity crowd at Madison Square Garden he called Martin Luther King to the platform and to lead the congregation in prayer. In his introduction he said, “a great social revolution is going on in the United States today.
Dr. King is one of its leaders and we appreciate his taking time out of his busy schedule to come and share this service with us tonight.” The words did not explicitly endorse King and King’s prayer called for nothing more revolutionary than a “brotherhood that transcends color” but the implication was unmistakable: Graham was letting both whites and Blacks know that he was willing to be identified with the revolution and its foremost leader, and King was telling Blacks that Graham was their ally. Billy Graham’s voice was important in declaring that Christian racist was an oxymoron.
When Graham invited King it was to set the captives free and identify with the segment of society that was denied the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It was to ensure the civil rights of others.
What was the implication of Pastor Warrens calculated embrace of Senator Obama to the thousands in attendance?
It implies that over 45, million babies killed by abortion are not relevant. It implies that the definition of marriage between one man and one woman is not important. It means the church can remain with a deaf ear to the cry of innocent blood coming from our ground to God’s ear.
Like Senator Obama, I would also like to refer to the Sermon on the Mount in Mathew 5-13. We are to be the purging agents God declares that we may avoid consequences for being less, “Ye are the salt of the earth if the salt has lost his savour, wherewith Shall it be salted? It is henceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under the foot of man.”
Church, where are you?
You have heard my review of this masterful political production concerning Sen. Obama and a few of his cast. There is undoubtedly more to come.
Suffice it to say, the prospect of Sen. Barack Obama becoming President of the United States poses a real threat to African Americans.
Cathy Cohen, a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, conducted a survey tracking the attitudes of nearly 1,600 young people of all races nationwide. The professor did one of the most comprehensive studies with the focus on African Americans 15-25 ever performed.
The survey shows that young African-Americans are more conservative than their white counterparts when it is comes to same-sex marriage and abortion. There has been consistent data that shows African-Americans are pro-life and oppose same-sex marriage. An Obama presidency would certainly not reflect Afro-American youth or the nation he’d be leading. In fact, his position on these issues would be ensuring their present destructive trend.
Black Enterprise magazine did a survey in which 58% of its participants viewed the NAACP’s pro-choice stance as wrong. As a role model, Barack Obama would be stirring the cauldron of confusion and mixed emotion. Many people would be happy for his success, because he is black, but vexed by his immoral position on the critical issues.
Obama’s use of the presidential bully pulpit would be a boost for the culture of death and the homosexual agenda.
As President, there would also always be the threat of a veto of any significant pro-life or pro-family legislation. Additionally, Obama would undoubtedly nominate pro-abortion justices to the US Supreme Court, which could etch Roe v. Wade into stone for generations.
Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Any success achieved at the expense of our children is no success.” I and many other African-Americans long to see the day of an African-American President, but not at the expense of our children and our values.
Remember, all significant social change which empowered and eradicated injustice has come from the Church not congress, from Pastors not the president. Politicians often join in the cause later, but social reform always starts in the Church. To keep this better in mind I will close with another quote from the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s letter from a Birmingham Jail:
There was a time when the church was very powerful. It was during that period when the early Christians rejoiced as they were deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed. In those days the church was not merely a thermometer that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society.
God help us to be a thermostat.
Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr. is the Senior Pastor of New Calvary Baptist Church in Montclair, NJ. He hosts “The Urban Prophet” which takes the pro-life, pro-family message into the urban areas. Rev. Childress is the author of “No Shepherd’s Cry.”
"The Complete Story on Barak Obama"
by Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr.
African Americans make up 12% of the population, but account for over 50% of all new cases of HIV. African American women account for a staggering 68% of all newly diagnosed HIV positive women in the United States. These women primarily contracted HIV from heterosexual sex. Now, with that said, 60% of all new aids cases in America will be the result of the violation of Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:27 (men having sex with men).
Martin Luther King, Jr., who never marched one step for “Gay Rights,” said, “The contemporary church is often a weak ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. It is often the arch-supporter of the status quo. Far from being disturbed by the presence of the church, the power of the average community is consoled by the churches silent and often vocal sanctions of things as they are.”
No greater tune of uncertainty was ever played so loudly and with more confusion then the opening number sung by Rick Warren at The Saddlebrack Church. Yes, entering stage right is the Author of one of the best selling Christian books of our time. “The Purpose Driven Life”
Pastor Warren, which I want to believe with good intentions, invited Senator Obama to speak at the “Global Summit On Aids And The Church”
Despite every sociological indicator and warnings from the medical profession, Senator Obama still endorses and is an advocate for same-sex marriage. Same- sex marriage gives sanctity to a union that promotes the practice that accounts for 60% of Aids cases which is ravaging the African-American community. What message has Rick Warren sent to the millions that have read his book on “purpose”? Why did he accept this role in this Howard Dean production? Obama’s antithetical stand on the issues that are decimating the Afro-American community and the nation at large should have disqualified him from presenting at this event. It would be like Planned Parent Hood inviting me to speak at their next rally.
Can you imagine how fearful they would be at what I might say? It is amazing to me that it didn’t make Rick Warren and his staff concerned about what Senator Obama might utter across the sacred desk. This is a subliminal endorsement of a man who presently advocates the slaughter of innocent babies and the destructive gay agenda. Does this not diminish the Churches responsibility to remain true to the teaching of the word of God? Hasn’t this weaken the position of those actively working to stop the killing of infants?
In a statement made to the Philadelphia Inquirer Pastor Warren said, “One of my goals is to take evangelicals back a century, the 19th century said Warren. That was a time of muscular Christianity that cared about every aspect of life. Not just personal salvation but social action, abolishing slavery, ending child labor and winning the right for women to vote. It’s time for modern evangelicals to trade words for deeds and get similarly involved. “
A few things jump up at me here when I read this article, things like every aspect of life! Trade words for deeds sounds so moving! His reference to slavery and child labor laws should touch the heart of every Christian. Why? A nation is judged by how it treats it’s weakest and most venerable.
Now as I see it we definitely need to prioritize things just a little. At the end of this year 20,000 people will die of aids and more than half of them will be Black. Ok that’s about 10,000 Afro-Americans. 1.2 million will die from abortion. 36% of them will be African American. That’s nearly 500,000 Afro-Americans. After doing the math it is quite apparent we need to address this devastating scourge that is affecting every aspect of life. We need a significant deed! Pastor Warren I know just what we need. “A Global Summit on Abortion and The Church” With 150,000 babies murdered each day in the world, yes 150,000; surely the church should convene and caucus. The 19th century anointing is well over due and I believe with all my heart that anointing would cause the Church to be a clear clarion voice that Martin Luther King referred to that put an end to infanticide. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever!
I in no way want to minimize the horrendous effects of slavery, child labor and denying women to vote but in comparison to the decimation of our community by abortion they are mild at best.
Christianity gave this report recently from the autobiography of Billy Graham.
In the heat of segregation and racial injustice, when racial tensions were peaking, Evangelist Billy Graham invited Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King
To discuss the racial situation with him and his colleagues. Then before a capacity crowd at Madison Square Garden he called Martin Luther King to the platform and to lead the congregation in prayer. In his introduction he said, “a great social revolution is going on in the United States today.
Dr. King is one of its leaders and we appreciate his taking time out of his busy schedule to come and share this service with us tonight.” The words did not explicitly endorse King and King’s prayer called for nothing more revolutionary than a “brotherhood that transcends color” but the implication was unmistakable: Graham was letting both whites and Blacks know that he was willing to be identified with the revolution and its foremost leader, and King was telling Blacks that Graham was their ally. Billy Graham’s voice was important in declaring that Christian racist was an oxymoron.
When Graham invited King it was to set the captives free and identify with the segment of society that was denied the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It was to ensure the civil rights of others.
What was the implication of Pastor Warrens calculated embrace of Senator Obama to the thousands in attendance?
It implies that over 45, million babies killed by abortion are not relevant. It implies that the definition of marriage between one man and one woman is not important. It means the church can remain with a deaf ear to the cry of innocent blood coming from our ground to God’s ear.
Like Senator Obama, I would also like to refer to the Sermon on the Mount in Mathew 5-13. We are to be the purging agents God declares that we may avoid consequences for being less, “Ye are the salt of the earth if the salt has lost his savour, wherewith Shall it be salted? It is henceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under the foot of man.”
Church, where are you?
You have heard my review of this masterful political production concerning Sen. Obama and a few of his cast. There is undoubtedly more to come.
Suffice it to say, the prospect of Sen. Barack Obama becoming President of the United States poses a real threat to African Americans.
Cathy Cohen, a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, conducted a survey tracking the attitudes of nearly 1,600 young people of all races nationwide. The professor did one of the most comprehensive studies with the focus on African Americans 15-25 ever performed.
The survey shows that young African-Americans are more conservative than their white counterparts when it is comes to same-sex marriage and abortion. There has been consistent data that shows African-Americans are pro-life and oppose same-sex marriage. An Obama presidency would certainly not reflect Afro-American youth or the nation he’d be leading. In fact, his position on these issues would be ensuring their present destructive trend.
Black Enterprise magazine did a survey in which 58% of its participants viewed the NAACP’s pro-choice stance as wrong. As a role model, Barack Obama would be stirring the cauldron of confusion and mixed emotion. Many people would be happy for his success, because he is black, but vexed by his immoral position on the critical issues.
Obama’s use of the presidential bully pulpit would be a boost for the culture of death and the homosexual agenda.
As President, there would also always be the threat of a veto of any significant pro-life or pro-family legislation. Additionally, Obama would undoubtedly nominate pro-abortion justices to the US Supreme Court, which could etch Roe v. Wade into stone for generations.
Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Any success achieved at the expense of our children is no success.” I and many other African-Americans long to see the day of an African-American President, but not at the expense of our children and our values.
Remember, all significant social change which empowered and eradicated injustice has come from the Church not congress, from Pastors not the president. Politicians often join in the cause later, but social reform always starts in the Church. To keep this better in mind I will close with another quote from the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s letter from a Birmingham Jail:
There was a time when the church was very powerful. It was during that period when the early Christians rejoiced as they were deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed. In those days the church was not merely a thermometer that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society.
God help us to be a thermostat.
Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr. is the Senior Pastor of New Calvary Baptist Church in Montclair, NJ. He hosts “The Urban Prophet” which takes the pro-life, pro-family message into the urban areas. Rev. Childress is the author of “No Shepherd’s Cry.”
Obama and the Born Alive Infants Protection Act
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Truth About Barak Obama (Part One of Two Parts)
The following article was written by a Baptist pastor in New Jersey. As an African–American he says some very sobering things about abortion and moral issues in the Black Community that all citizens and all Christians in the USA should take to heart. I am providing the text of this article in full (in two installments) because of its importance at this time.
"The Complete Story on Barak Obama"
by Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr.
The Democratic Party has for years given lip service to the African-American community. They have talked about prominence without fulfilling the promise. They patronize without empowering. Worst of all, this unholy bond has done more to decimate and deplete our community than slavery and Jim Crow laws ever could have accomplished. This allegiance has destroyed millions of our children; children created but denied access to the American dream, children aborted.
The Democrat Party has been a major contributor to the African American slippery slide down the slope of depravity. It has caused our community to deny the God of our Fathers and ignore the counsel of His Word. This Word brought us up and out of Egypt. This Word broke the chains of a terrible bondage and established us in the path of upward mobility and prosperity.
Our loyalty to this political regime has vexed our leaders and organizations. Institutions that were birthed to advance the causes of Afro-Americans, now in their ignorance, lobby for our decline. NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, Rainbow Coalition, Urban League, the list goes on and on. All of these were once heralded groups with a noble past and great historic accomplishment. Today, they are stymied by this ungodly tie. Rev. Jessie Jackson, AL Sharpton, Julian Bond, Joseph Lowery are all allied in party and, in the process, have lost their souls. What happened to the God of Dr. Martin Luther King?
Despite this deplorable behavior of our perceived leadership, the winds of change have begun to blow. Pastors and leaders in the Black community have begun to remember their roots and realize they are chained to mediocrity and complacency. There has been a consistent flow of Afro-Americans making their way back to freedom. This has sent shock waves through the present Democrat leadership. While we are yet somewhat in a vacuum of solid Afro-American leadership with true integrity (there are many on the horizon not yet recognized), we are once again being wooed by the oppressor’s ploys to stay on the plantation. Staying where there is little reward and where our lives and votes are taken for granted. Once again it is someone of our own ethnicity, our own race being used. The Democrats have deployed a new pied piper in a desperate attempt to preserve their self serving party.
New face, same tune. The song being played is from the movie “The Culture of Death.” The goal is to fill the seats with Afro-Americans in the theater of apostasy. Why? Because if the current trend continues the Democrat party could soon be performing in their final act.
Enter Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill), who is truly turning out to be one of the greatest performers of all times. Obama’s biggest act is that he calls himself a Christian.
Howard Dean, Chair of the Democrat National Committee, scripted most of the scenes in this production starring Obama. Dean outlined an approach that will emphasize outreach to evangelicals. He said, “People of faith are in the Democratic Party including me.” (Now if you believe that, I own a cute bridge in Brooklyn still available at a great price!)
Listen to this line. Obama stated, “As I travel around this state, I don’t get asked about gay marriage, I don’t get asked about abortion, I get asked ‘How can I find a job that allows me to support my family?’ I get asked, ‘How can I pay those medical bills without going into bankruptcy.’” (Taken from a reply to questions asked during the Ill. Senate campaign)
As an African-American male and a Pastor of a Baptist Church, I am deeply troubled, but not surprised at the Senator’s remarks. One would only have to look at Obama’s consistent support and advocacy for the gay agenda and the abortion industry to understand. As a longtime activist for children in the womb (the most discriminated against segment of our society) and proponent for family values, I am horrified at this man’s voting record. Anytime Planned Parenthood gives you a 100% rating, all Americans should cringe in fear because they are the leading abortion provider in the nation.
Each day, 1452 African Americans are murdered by abortion. 4,000 children over all.
There have been over 15 million African American children dismembered in the womb by the abortion holocaust and as many women victimized.
As an elected official, should anyone have to ask you about abortion to make it your concern?
Marriage, since the 1970s, is down 17% in America and in the African Community it’s down 34%, which is twice the national average.
Should Barack Obama again have to wait until someone asks him about the fundamental building block of all society? Shouldn’t he protect the sanctity of marriage? The truth is, someone has asked and how he has answered the question was abysmal.
The question was asked of Obama, should the heinous act of partial birth abortion be outlawed in America? Twice Senator Obama answered no! When he was asked if a child, who might miraculously survive the sentence of death by abortion, be protected from an abortion doctor after surviving? Senator Obama said no! (See Born Alive Victims Protection Law.) Has he no conscience? Is he misinformed on the facts of these barbaric practices? His response to these questions is not indicative of the Black community’s beliefs, and certainly shows a low degree of conscience and moral fiber.
These six things the lord hates, yea seven are an abomination unto him, a proud look, a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood. (Proverbs 6:17)
There is no candidate running for the office of the presidency with a worse record than Sen. Barack Obama. His hands have aided and abetted the abortion industry’s slaughter of the innocent and no other community is affected by it more than the African American community. It’s an industry that targets Afro-Americans for profit at the expense of our children’s lives and the pain of Black women.
This charade has been quite a production. It is now playing and coming to a theater near you!
Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote in his letter from a Birmingham jail, “The early church put an end to such evils as infanticide (infant killing).”
From a jail in Birmingham, AL, without any other source of reference but his heart and the Bible, Martin wrote to some Bishops and Pastors who were not in favor of the demonstrations he was leading. They felt that it was counter productive and not in the best interest of the Negro people. Martin Luther King, Jr. felt quite differently, he chided church leaders for their reluctance to join him in the struggle for freedom. King’s reference to infanticide pointed to the legality of infant killing under Roman law in the first century. Martin Luther King, Jr. pointed to the practice of Christians to rescue babies left on the side of the road to die, because their parents did not like their complexion, eye color, hair color or viewed the child as an inconvenience (sound familiar?) First century Christians rescued those babies and raised them as their own children.
The early Church defied unjust laws even when the consequences could have meant their own death for doing so. Oh, if that kind of love and courage could be demonstrated today by our leadership, it would begin to heal our land.
Sen. Obama has written, “I am not willing to have the state deny American citizens a civil union that confers equivalent rights on such basic matters as hospital visitation or health insurance coverage simply because the people they love are of the same sex – nor am I willing to accept a reading of the Bible that considers an obscure line in Romans to be more defining of Christianity than the sermon on the mount.”
Sen. Obama, did you say obscure? That would tend to lead unlearned listeners to believe that the Bible is vague or obscure on the subject of homosexuality.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Nearly half of the 32 verses in the first chapter of the New Testament book of Romans were dedicated to warning the early church about sexual perversion. The Apostle Paul warned that perverse thinking and the habits they create were due to the fact that “they did not want to retain God in their knowledge.” That verse truly reflects much of the cast in the Democrat Party.
I would like to ask Sen. Obama the question, “How obscure is this verse?”
Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with woman kind: it is an abomination.
That sounds pretty definitive to me.
It would appear to me that Sen. Obama as well as many others shun and ignore the obvious and cloak the true causes of our problems.
(part two continued tomorrow)
"The Complete Story on Barak Obama"
by Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr.
The Democratic Party has for years given lip service to the African-American community. They have talked about prominence without fulfilling the promise. They patronize without empowering. Worst of all, this unholy bond has done more to decimate and deplete our community than slavery and Jim Crow laws ever could have accomplished. This allegiance has destroyed millions of our children; children created but denied access to the American dream, children aborted.
The Democrat Party has been a major contributor to the African American slippery slide down the slope of depravity. It has caused our community to deny the God of our Fathers and ignore the counsel of His Word. This Word brought us up and out of Egypt. This Word broke the chains of a terrible bondage and established us in the path of upward mobility and prosperity.
Our loyalty to this political regime has vexed our leaders and organizations. Institutions that were birthed to advance the causes of Afro-Americans, now in their ignorance, lobby for our decline. NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, Rainbow Coalition, Urban League, the list goes on and on. All of these were once heralded groups with a noble past and great historic accomplishment. Today, they are stymied by this ungodly tie. Rev. Jessie Jackson, AL Sharpton, Julian Bond, Joseph Lowery are all allied in party and, in the process, have lost their souls. What happened to the God of Dr. Martin Luther King?
Despite this deplorable behavior of our perceived leadership, the winds of change have begun to blow. Pastors and leaders in the Black community have begun to remember their roots and realize they are chained to mediocrity and complacency. There has been a consistent flow of Afro-Americans making their way back to freedom. This has sent shock waves through the present Democrat leadership. While we are yet somewhat in a vacuum of solid Afro-American leadership with true integrity (there are many on the horizon not yet recognized), we are once again being wooed by the oppressor’s ploys to stay on the plantation. Staying where there is little reward and where our lives and votes are taken for granted. Once again it is someone of our own ethnicity, our own race being used. The Democrats have deployed a new pied piper in a desperate attempt to preserve their self serving party.
New face, same tune. The song being played is from the movie “The Culture of Death.” The goal is to fill the seats with Afro-Americans in the theater of apostasy. Why? Because if the current trend continues the Democrat party could soon be performing in their final act.
Enter Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill), who is truly turning out to be one of the greatest performers of all times. Obama’s biggest act is that he calls himself a Christian.
Howard Dean, Chair of the Democrat National Committee, scripted most of the scenes in this production starring Obama. Dean outlined an approach that will emphasize outreach to evangelicals. He said, “People of faith are in the Democratic Party including me.” (Now if you believe that, I own a cute bridge in Brooklyn still available at a great price!)
Listen to this line. Obama stated, “As I travel around this state, I don’t get asked about gay marriage, I don’t get asked about abortion, I get asked ‘How can I find a job that allows me to support my family?’ I get asked, ‘How can I pay those medical bills without going into bankruptcy.’” (Taken from a reply to questions asked during the Ill. Senate campaign)
As an African-American male and a Pastor of a Baptist Church, I am deeply troubled, but not surprised at the Senator’s remarks. One would only have to look at Obama’s consistent support and advocacy for the gay agenda and the abortion industry to understand. As a longtime activist for children in the womb (the most discriminated against segment of our society) and proponent for family values, I am horrified at this man’s voting record. Anytime Planned Parenthood gives you a 100% rating, all Americans should cringe in fear because they are the leading abortion provider in the nation.
Each day, 1452 African Americans are murdered by abortion. 4,000 children over all.
There have been over 15 million African American children dismembered in the womb by the abortion holocaust and as many women victimized.
As an elected official, should anyone have to ask you about abortion to make it your concern?
Marriage, since the 1970s, is down 17% in America and in the African Community it’s down 34%, which is twice the national average.
Should Barack Obama again have to wait until someone asks him about the fundamental building block of all society? Shouldn’t he protect the sanctity of marriage? The truth is, someone has asked and how he has answered the question was abysmal.
The question was asked of Obama, should the heinous act of partial birth abortion be outlawed in America? Twice Senator Obama answered no! When he was asked if a child, who might miraculously survive the sentence of death by abortion, be protected from an abortion doctor after surviving? Senator Obama said no! (See Born Alive Victims Protection Law.) Has he no conscience? Is he misinformed on the facts of these barbaric practices? His response to these questions is not indicative of the Black community’s beliefs, and certainly shows a low degree of conscience and moral fiber.
These six things the lord hates, yea seven are an abomination unto him, a proud look, a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood. (Proverbs 6:17)
There is no candidate running for the office of the presidency with a worse record than Sen. Barack Obama. His hands have aided and abetted the abortion industry’s slaughter of the innocent and no other community is affected by it more than the African American community. It’s an industry that targets Afro-Americans for profit at the expense of our children’s lives and the pain of Black women.
This charade has been quite a production. It is now playing and coming to a theater near you!
Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote in his letter from a Birmingham jail, “The early church put an end to such evils as infanticide (infant killing).”
From a jail in Birmingham, AL, without any other source of reference but his heart and the Bible, Martin wrote to some Bishops and Pastors who were not in favor of the demonstrations he was leading. They felt that it was counter productive and not in the best interest of the Negro people. Martin Luther King, Jr. felt quite differently, he chided church leaders for their reluctance to join him in the struggle for freedom. King’s reference to infanticide pointed to the legality of infant killing under Roman law in the first century. Martin Luther King, Jr. pointed to the practice of Christians to rescue babies left on the side of the road to die, because their parents did not like their complexion, eye color, hair color or viewed the child as an inconvenience (sound familiar?) First century Christians rescued those babies and raised them as their own children.
The early Church defied unjust laws even when the consequences could have meant their own death for doing so. Oh, if that kind of love and courage could be demonstrated today by our leadership, it would begin to heal our land.
Sen. Obama has written, “I am not willing to have the state deny American citizens a civil union that confers equivalent rights on such basic matters as hospital visitation or health insurance coverage simply because the people they love are of the same sex – nor am I willing to accept a reading of the Bible that considers an obscure line in Romans to be more defining of Christianity than the sermon on the mount.”
Sen. Obama, did you say obscure? That would tend to lead unlearned listeners to believe that the Bible is vague or obscure on the subject of homosexuality.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Nearly half of the 32 verses in the first chapter of the New Testament book of Romans were dedicated to warning the early church about sexual perversion. The Apostle Paul warned that perverse thinking and the habits they create were due to the fact that “they did not want to retain God in their knowledge.” That verse truly reflects much of the cast in the Democrat Party.
I would like to ask Sen. Obama the question, “How obscure is this verse?”
Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with woman kind: it is an abomination.
That sounds pretty definitive to me.
It would appear to me that Sen. Obama as well as many others shun and ignore the obvious and cloak the true causes of our problems.
(part two continued tomorrow)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I'm Voting for the Children
The beginning and conclusion of the article below is provided here to give you an idea of the author's point of view. People often accuse pro-life voters of being single issue voters. The intention of our pro-murder critics is to dismiss us as irrelevant because we are so myopic, irrational, narrow minded, and extreme. Keep in mind the issue that we are speaking about is the extermination of 50 million or more infants since 1973. To dismiss pro-life voters as irrelevant is to think of 50 million lives as expendable, unimportant. The moral bankruptcy of this is so apparent that I find it astounding we still need to say this!
"Commentary: I'm Not Voting for a Man, I'm Voting for Generations of Children and Their Right to Live" by Randy Alcorn, guest columnist
As a Christian, should we vote for who we think should lead our country solely based on their stance on abortion?
The Bible is emphatically clear on when human life begins. On the same issue, science is equally clear.
Every Christian should take these teachings seriously. Is the unborn an innocent human being? If you claim to be pro-life, then your answer is yes. Is abortion the shedding of innocent blood, the taking of human life created in the image of God? If you say you are pro-life, your answer must be yes.
So, is the candidate’s stand on the issue of shedding innocent blood important enough to disqualify him as a candidate? Yes. While a single issue can’t qualify a candidate, it can disqualify him. In my opinion, this issue clearly disqualifies Barack Obama.
(Much of this article has been edited out of this post due to its length.)
But PLEASE don't just mindlessly say "I'm pro-life" then contradict that statement by saying you are supporting a candidate for president who is utterly committed to not only maintain legalized abortion through policy and appointment of judges, but who also HAS PROMISED to try to reverse pro-life state legislation passed in the last 30 years.
The full text of this good article on Abortion and the election is found at:
"Commentary: I'm Not Voting for a Man, I'm Voting for Generations of Children and Their Right to Live" by Randy Alcorn, guest columnist
As a Christian, should we vote for who we think should lead our country solely based on their stance on abortion?
The Bible is emphatically clear on when human life begins. On the same issue, science is equally clear.
Every Christian should take these teachings seriously. Is the unborn an innocent human being? If you claim to be pro-life, then your answer is yes. Is abortion the shedding of innocent blood, the taking of human life created in the image of God? If you say you are pro-life, your answer must be yes.
So, is the candidate’s stand on the issue of shedding innocent blood important enough to disqualify him as a candidate? Yes. While a single issue can’t qualify a candidate, it can disqualify him. In my opinion, this issue clearly disqualifies Barack Obama.
(Much of this article has been edited out of this post due to its length.)
But PLEASE don't just mindlessly say "I'm pro-life" then contradict that statement by saying you are supporting a candidate for president who is utterly committed to not only maintain legalized abortion through policy and appointment of judges, but who also HAS PROMISED to try to reverse pro-life state legislation passed in the last 30 years.
The full text of this good article on Abortion and the election is found at:
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